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Welcoming August: A Tribute to National Heroes


“Don’t Even Forget The History.”

Best-selling woven fabric and synthetic leather brought for this month.

Ways to Decorate With Red: Choose Your Style to Find the Right Red

Contemporary design

Incorporates neutral elements with pops of bold color, often red. Color the door with bold & bright red, put inside with red shades in a pillow, rug, or throw.

Modern design

Call for all kinds of reds: from primary hues to classic shades with burgundy or brown undertones. Color the door with any red you love that makes a statement. Considering to put inside with injecting red through a painting or piece of art.

Traditional design

Stays away from primary reds and instead involves burgundy or black tones. Color the door with a deep and rich red. Put inside by decorating with oriental rugs injected with darker reds.